Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Debate Over The Affordable Care Act - 974 Words

One of the biggest topics currently in our lives is politics, with election time right around the corner, politicians are doing everything they can to grab our attention. From having something to tell us every time we turn on the TV, to not being able to open the news paper without seeing some sort of political remark, were surrounded. Along with the repetitive occurrence of the ads, the message is often the same as well, once the candidate gets over bashing their opponent, it is mostly about health care, and the budget. When I think of a politician that is a large activist in this area, especially health care, I think of Minnesota Senator Al Franken. He comes to mind mostly because he is recognized for voting along with President Obama on almost everything, but also he is noted for taking stands and helping make big strides in the health care dispute. With the Affordable Care Act being introduced in 2010, and senator Franken right alongside promoting it, and leading the additions o f certain areas it is clear to see how motivational he was in the situation. As stated on Franken s website, it states, Al is particularly proud of several provisions he authored that were included in the final law.(speaking of the Affordable Care Act) This shows a lot of initiative out of senator Franken, to be able to step up to the plate and feel empowered enough to author areas of a bill that was successful. This shows that he knew the area well, and also that he had theShow MoreRelatedThe Debate Over the Constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act818 Words   |  3 Pageshighly scrutinized by the opposition. The constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 has thus been defended on both sides. 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