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Explatory Essay Topics
Friday, September 4, 2020
Enterprise in practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Undertaking by and by - Essay Example These models can be utilized practically speaking so as to survey the reasonability of an open door under explicit economic situations. The first of these models, the SWOT examination, gives a point by point perspective on the inside and the outer condition of the association. SWOT investigation centers around the distinguishing proof and the assessment of the organization’s qualities, shortcomings, openings and dangers (Earley et al. 2000). The two first components of SWOT investigation, for example the qualities and shortcomings allude to the inside hierarchical condition; in resistance, openings and dangers mirror the organization’s outer condition (Adler et al. 2008). ... al conditions; besides, optional information depicting the organization’s outer condition would be additionally utilized (for example, factual information alluding to the exhibition of the business wherein the association works or the patterns of the specific business with respect to explicit business choices, for example mergers and acquisitions); it would be best that the data alluding to the organization’s outer condition is pertinent to the open door the reasonability of which has been set under assessment; for instance, if the advancement of a vital partnership between a particular association and a notable association of its industry is arranged, at that point the presentation of comparable key choices inside the specific business would be analyzed; an elective technique for creating thoughts, alongside the utilization of SWOT examination, would be the center gatherings, which would offer the accompanying favorable position: through the open conversation on a prog ression of significant issues, thoughts could be created as to the open door under assessment; b) besides, the thoughts producing through the above procedure †or forms, on the off chance that that both the procedures recommended above are utilized †ought to be deliberately saved, so as to be additionally prepared; the utilization of a scratch pad would be valuable guaranteeing that the thoughts producing will be not in chance †alluding to the possible loss of thoughts in the event that they are put away in a database/PC got to by third people, c) at the following level, the PEST investigation (Political, Economic, Social and Technological variables) would be utilized so as to distinguish extra dangers in the organization’s outside condition; PEST examination alludes to various components of the organization’s outside condition and consequently it ought to be utilized alongside SWOT
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Formal response to Albert Camus' The Stranger Essay
Formal reaction to Albert Camus' The Stranger - Essay Example Meursault’s inadequacy to discover any expectation in life brings forth the pointlessness of his reality. Without a doubt Camus’ legend doesn't locate any importance and delight throughout everyday life, essentially in light of the fact that he is a latency influenced individual; and on the grounds that he can't marshal the quantum of euphoria and joy from life. Meursault’s absence of expectation and, in any event, his inability to remove it from life develops from a feeling of certainty and inevitability of the truth of this world. This the truth is either the unpreventable truth of death or the truth of any difficulty circumstance. Meursault’s absence of expectation and his inability to separate any importance from life are the results of his fixation on certainty of death. He understands that since all men will kick the bucket definitely, they are generally similar. Yet, this acknowledgment makes him increasingly latent and idle both intellectually and genuinely. He can't feel the need of a mother just as a darling. Thusly he doesn't have any passionate connection to his mom and furthermore sweetheart Marie. This absence of feeling is clear in his response to his mom demise. Indeed, even the wire bearing the message of his mom passing isn't deserving of much consideration. This disinterestedness to his mother’s is uncovered in his uninterested depiction, as he says, â€Å"Maman kicked the bucket today. Or on the other hand yesterday perhaps, I don’t know. I got a wire from the home: â€Å"Mother perished. Burial service tomorrow, Faithfully yours†That doesn’t mean anything. Perhaps it was yesterday.†(Chapter 1, Part 1) To be sure this absence of expectation develops additionally from Meursault’s ineptitude to reason. Meursault murders Raymond’s mistress’s sibling without considering what demise intends to other people. He can't consider others in his reality since he is amazingly self-arranged. This self-direction or self fixation can likewise be seen in his sexual exercises that are bereft of any feeling like love. His
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Asian Literature Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
Question: Examine about theAsian Literaturefor Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Answer: Presentation This task endeavors to give an examination and complexity between two chose writings, which are the Interesting Boy by Shyam Selvadurai and The delight Luck club by Amy Tan. With the assistance of multi-segment pieces, the Entertaining Boy depicts the conflicts of social qualities and The delight Luck club delineates the difficulties engaged with social progress, the issues related with outsider character, power over people predetermination, etc. A theory proclamation would be set that control the issue being talked about and sums up the center idea of the chose writings. A natural bond exists and conveys forward starting with one age then onto the next, regardless of social and generational clashes, which is well deciphered with regards to narrating. All through the content of The delight Luck club different storytellers refereed on their weakness to interpret the estimations and thoughts during social progress. The fractional comprehension of the way of life of the girls and moms are obliged to their inadequate language understanding. Likewise, the preventions, which exist between the girls and moms, are here and there a direct result of their wastefulness to speak with one another. Girls know barely any Chinese words and moms have next to no information on English that made their correspondence troublesome and requires interpretation. Be that as it may, issues have been confronted while acknowledged and expected importance are changed that thusly prompts misconception. Numerous characters make penances for their adoration towards their folks and kids. The benevolence commitment passes on the bond among youngster and parent. Generational, phonetic and social inlets are more than once debilitated yet it is additionally demonstrat ed that the security isn't pulverized (Rogers and Meltzoff). This further shows regardless of the social obstructions, kids and parent bond firmly exists. It is referenced in The delight Luck club that narrating is a method of controlling people destiny. It has made a spot to bargain stories. With hardship and agony, Suyun, a female character needed to control her life. This shows the content filled in as interruption, yet in addition encouraged the change of help, love, situation and network. Stories act to supportsense of sway, a method of surrendering people character and acquiring self-rule. Caren Schnur Neile and David Novak (2013) have referenced that narrating among the indigenous culture is passed in an unwinding and calm condition orally that harmonize with legitimate occasions, similar to formal practices, ceremonies and innate or family network gathering. This is once in a while considered as a method of rectifying undesired conduct of the kids. Sooner or later, singular characters have passed on their nervousness over their wastefulness to settle Chinese legacy thinking about the American environmental factors. They communicated uneasiness over their social personality. A fundamentally the same as idea has been clarified by Shyam Selvadurai in his content the Entertaining Boy, which exhibited consistent social clash among Singhalese and Tamils occur in Sri Lanka. Selvadurai communicated about enthusiastic quality of the teenagers. He at times feels strange as his methodology towards life shifted enormously from the people encompassing him. Like The delight Luck club, Selvadurai exhibited how conflicting social convictions could offer ascent to alienation and disarray (Tan). The Clever Boy investigated the subject of homosexuality during youth, which is keen, emotive and verbalizes from the heart. Arjie, the character, endures fanaticism, comprehends that he is gay and communicates his narrow mindedness towards homosexuality (Selvadurai). Complex considerations if bargain, love and detest faculties influence the adolescence to a more noteworthy degree. Arjie occupied the representative job of a lady of the hour. This shows he is allowed to concede him as going past the limitations of self and exceed expectations to another progressively wonderful and increasingly splendid self. The content through narrating passed on a message to the perusers that there is no language of sexuality, however just impartial and admired structures. Arjies understanding that he doesn't have a place with either young ladies or the young men world and got between these two was an antecedent of further acknowledgment of homosexuality that again imparting the virtues of the character. This could exist as same or fluctuate starting with one culture then onto the next. Davis (2014) in this setting have referenced that more understanding towards sex, natural sex, sexual direction and sex personality empowers people to relate onese lf with others. Issues with worker character are significant concentration in English writing on the grounds that while people move starting with one culture or geological region then onto the next, they bear their demeanors and information on anguish alongside them (Ferguson). After settling down, their unique social personality is nearly change, which animates a degree of having a place. They attempt to settle somewhere near biculturalism or absorption (Grzymala-Kazlowska). Social personality can adjust after some time as the conduct and conviction of individuals or gathering may change (Maxwell). Recognizing expansiveness of social uniqueness is critical to any exertion made so as to go past the bigotry that thusly offers ascend to a comprehension among the various social gatherings. The Entertaining Boy is an eye-opener of socially appropriate sexual orientation jobs and common conflict, which readies a basic and guiltless kid to encounter uproarious circumstances in later life. The delight Luck club contains joined stories in regards to clashes between outsider moms from China and American-brought up little girls and along these lines, mirrors the social conflicts. Singular mother-little girl pair put extraordinary exertion to manage generational and social contrasts. To the girls their moms are oppressive, compromising and antiquated. Consecutively, their moms angered that their little girls have poor comprehension of culture, fulfillment in basic occupations and mentalities towards men. This shows singular little girl and mother see every others viewpoints. Social personality is critical as it encourages people to safeguard history and make a milieu where people feel they fit in. Social character is animated by components like social class, lineage, family, i nstructive level, political assessments, etc. While The delight Luck club centers onto social conflicts, the Funny Boy underlines on the diverse recognition and comprehension of sex and sexuality. Both the chose writings contain little plots dependent on what the writers have communicated different concerns related with social conflicts, outsider character, sexism, etc. Be that as it may, in the current setting, narrating could be a typical topic gotten from the two chose writings. References Caren Schnur Neile, and David Novak. Toward a Methodology of Storytelling Performance Criticism.Storytelling, Self, Society9.1 (2013): 129. Davis, Terri M. Brain research Education Can Foster Exploration and Knowledge of Religion, Spirituality, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Diversity.Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity1.2 (2014): 106-108. Ferguson, Susan J.Race, Gender, Sexuality, Social Class. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, 2013. Print. Grzymala-Kazlowska, A. Social Anchoring: Immigrant Identity, Security And Integration Reconnected?.Sociology(2015). Maxwell, R. Occupations, National Identity, and Immigrant Integration.Comparative Political Studies(2016). Rogers, Leoandra Onnie and Andrew N. Meltzoff. Is Gender More Important And Meaningful Than Race? An Analysis Of Racial And Gender Identity Among Black, White, And Mixed-Race Children..Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology(2016). Selvadurai, Shyam.Funny Boy. 1997. Tan, Amy.The Joy Luck Club. New York: Putnam's, 1989.
Sustainable Operation Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Supportable Operation Management - Assignment Example As per Appleby (2013) this fundamentally not just arrangement with gracefully chain and the presentation of crude materials yet in addition the more extensive turn of events and plan of procedures just as waste removal, this additionally manages the joining of lifecycle investigation concentrated on guaranteeing that supportability endeavors is comprehensive in all the procedures (Appleby 2013). Reasonable practices inside associations must be created to guarantee the decrease of carbon impression all through the particular focused on forms in the association. Maintainable activities the board is obvious in numerous so as to accomplish the ideal result. Topping off WATER IN SWIMMING POOL IN SPORT HALL Sport pools some of the time should be totally depleted and afterward topped off. Pre-adjusted water is normally should have been topped off straightforwardly into the unfilled pool. It is critical to distinguish successful and effective procedure of topping off and keeping up the pool to fulfill the set guidelines for sports. Subsequently preventive pool practices ought to be embraced in this procedure so as to spare time just as expenses. Boosting the proficiency of the games pool is significant in decreasing the hidden carbon impression encouraging accomplishing supportable way of life (Finkbeiner 2009). The way toward topping off the games pool to accomplish maintainability there must be vitality preservation, water and the synthetics at the pool. Expanded carbon impression at the pool prompts an extraordinary gouge on the earth. An outline of maintainable tasks the board concerning pool water topping off is to encourage earth marked â€Å"Green Home†pool more concern put on pool dissipation, diminished carbon impression and long haul maintainability (Finkbeiner 2009). Coming up next is the procedures that are followed to accomplish supportable activities the board in topping off water in pool. Cleaning the pool This is predominantly the initial step a fter the pool has been dried out. The surface arrangement should be resolved. These fundamental methodology upgrade productivity and spare a great deal of time. Deck and spread cleaning is a typical technique which encourages expulsion of flotsam and jetsam and spa deck. A fast breadth encourages expulsion of flotsam and jetsam close to the pool. In directing this procedure care ought to be taken to dodge rough surfaces while hauling the spread off the pool. Surface skimming is applied in expelling soil coasting on a superficial level. It is made sure to discharge skimming flotsam and jetsam into the yard with the goal that it doesn't blowback into the pool when it evaporates. Tile brush and tile cleanser to clean the tiles and this is done underneath or more the waterline. It is eminent that vanishing and topping off of the pool as a rule changes the waterline. Brushing is the most proficient method of expelling green growth from the surfaces and guiding the soil to the fundamental channel with the goal that it tends to be sucked in the channel (Appleby 2013). It is imperative to clean the channel and run new water in the dissemination framework to cleanse away all the earth from the lines. The general viable and effective procedure in carryout this is to deplete, clean and to top off the pool. Topping off the pool The pool is filled direct in the daylight in situations where it is filled over the ground. The immediate daylight encourages extending of the liner as the pools fills. The nozzle is turned on
Friday, August 21, 2020
Medicare and a never-event involving a patient transfer case Essay
Medicare and a never-occasion including a patient exchange case - Essay Example As indicated by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (n.d), the primary factors that decide if patients that are in danger of weight ulcers get appropriate medicinal services can be arranged into three wide regions: clinical administrations openness, nature of clinical administrations, social components and monetary variables. Patients that are danger of weight ulcers ought to be in a situation to get to the clinical administrations in time. These administrations can be arranged into three: skin evaluation that is far reaching in nature, normalized hazard appraisal and the making arrangements for pressure ulcer care (Healthcare Research and Quality, n.d). Every one of these classifications is significant and ought to be very much performed. These means empower clinicians to abstain from ignoring with regards to clinical consideration that is proof based. The nature of clinical administrations is a factor as in, for instance, on account of skin appraisal (extensive), the skin in its totality ought to be inspected definitely for variations from the norm. This shouldn’t be done uniquely through looking, yet contacting additionally particularly the hard regions of the body (Healthcare Research and Quality, n.d). At the point when this isn't done appropriately, at that point the weight ulcer won't have the option to be distinguished in its beginning period. Social elements hold that there is have to deal with the individuals who are in danger of weight ulcers because of the difficulty of moving the body parts for instance. There ought to be close connections that make sure that these individuals are aided way that could be available and taken to medical clinic when need be. The monetary variables assume a job, particularly with regards to the material that the potential weight ulcer persistent sits or lies in. The open to resting offices are costly and thusly no one but few can bear the cost of those of the best characteristics, for instance a wheelchair (Healthcare Research and Quality, n.d). The organization needs to concoct rules and guideline if not laws like
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Generativity vs. Stagnation in Psychosocial Development
Generativity vs. Stagnation in Psychosocial Development Theories Psychosocial Psychology Print Generativity vs. Stagnation: Psychosocial Stage 7 By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on July 01, 2019 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW Updated on July 17, 2019 Psychosocial Development Overview Trust vs. Mistrust Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt Initiative vs. Guilt Industry vs. Inferiority Identity vs. Confusion Intimacy vs. Isolation Generativity vs. Stagnation Integrity vs. Despair Generativity versus stagnation is the seventh of eight stages of Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. This stage takes place during middle adulthood between the ages of approximately 40 and 65.?? The eighth and last stage is integrity vs. despair. During this time, adults strive to create or nurture things that will outlast them; often by parenting children or contributing to positive changes that benefit other people. Contributing to society and doing things to benefit future generations are important needs at the generativity versus stagnation stage of development.?? Verywell / Nusha Ashjaee Generativity refers to making your mark on the world by caring for others as well as creating and accomplishing things that make the world a better place. Stagnation refers to the failure to find a way to contribute. These individuals may feel disconnected or uninvolved with their community and with society as a whole. Those who are successful during this phase will feel that they are contributing to the world by being active in their home and community. Those who fail to attain this skill will feel unproductive and uninvolved in the world. Overview Psychosocial Conflict: Generativity Versus StagnationMajor Question: How can I contribute to the world?Basic Virtue: CareImportant Event(s): Parenthood and Work Characteristics of Generativity and Stagnation Some key characteristics of generativity include making commitments to other people, developing relationships with family, mentoring others and contributing to the next generation. As you might imagine, these sorts of things are frequently realized through having and raising children. Some characteristics of stagnation include being self-centered, failing to get involved with others, not taking an interest in productivity, no efforts to improve the self and placing ones concerns over above all else. One thing to note about this stage is that life events tend to be less age-specific than they are during early-stage and late-stage life. The major events that contribute to this stage such as marriage, work, and child-rearing can occur at any point during the rather broad span of middle-adulthood. It is at this point in life that some people might experience what is often referred to as a midlife crisis. People might reflect back on their accomplishments and consider their future trajectory and feel regret. In some cases this might involve regretting missed opportunities such as going to school, pursuing a career or having children. In some cases, people might use this crisis as an opportunity to make adjustments in their lives that will lead to greater fulfillment. It is important to note that it is the way that people interpret these regrets that influence their well-being. Those who feel that they have made mistakes wasted their time, and have no time to make changes may be left feeling bitter. There are also numerous factors that can influence feelings of generativity versus feelings of stagnation at this point in life. People who have positive relationships with others, good quality health and a sense of control over their lives will feel more productive and satisfied. Those who suffer from poor health, poor relationships and feel that they have no control over their fate are more likely to experience feelings of stagnation. Signs of a Midlife Crisis Expanding on the Generativity vs. Stagnation Stage Research published in 2003 suggested further elaboration of the primary conflicts of the generativity vs. stagnation stage.?? These include: Inclusivity versus exclusivity: This crisis centers on the scope of caregiving activities and on what and who an individual is willing to include in his or her life. This stage reflects the trust versus mistrust stage of early childhood.Pride versus embarrassment: This aspect of the generativity versus stagnation stage is centered on the sense of pride that adults take in their family and children. In many ways, it mirrors the autonomy versus shame and doubt stage of early childhood.Responsibility versus ambivalence: This adulthood crisis centers on whether people choose to take responsibility for their lives and choices. It reflects the initiative versus guilt stage seen earlier during childhood.Productivity versus inadequacy: Work plays a major role in adulthood, so it is no surprise that an individual’s sense of pride and accomplishment in their work can lead to feelings of productivity. This stage mirrors the industry versus inferiority stage of childhood.Parenthood versus self -absorption: This aspect of adulthood centers on reaching out and contributing to the next generation. This can occur through parenting although not all people who produce offspring necessarily become supportive and giving parents and those who do not have children are still able to give to the next generation in meaningful ways. This part of the generativity versus stagnation stage reflects many of the aspects of the earlier identity versus confusion stage of adolescence.Honesty versus denial: As the generativity stages draw to a close and people approach the final stage of life, finding meaning plays an increasingly critical role. Self-knowledge and self-understanding have an important role during this phase of the generativity versus stagnation stage. Stage 8: Integrity vs. Despair
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Social Technology Use In Organizations - Free Essay Example
While one uses the social networking in an organization firstly the goal should be clear as to whether they are using the networking for the internal communication between employees of that organization? Or for communication with the external parties such as the customers or the competitors. And special care should be taken if it is being used for communication outside the organization and proper security conditions should be imposed as afterall it is done on the internet, and it remains on the internet. And also the organizations may be having much confidential data with them and can be of grief if that vital information gets leaked to outside world, specially the competitors. And so the higher authorities should make sure and impose good and strict security policies so that the use of social networking become the loss rather than enhancing the performance and the profit of the organization. And also various other factors should be considered so as to maintain confidentiality within the organization and depending on the hierarchy or the role of that employee, the permissions should be assigned and proper firewall should be in practise. No security loopholes should be present and so the information confidentiality can be achieved. Let us take an example of Dell, India. I worked for Dell, India for couple of months and was amazed to see the networking that they used for communication between employees of that organization. Firstly the social networking sites which are proved as time-wasting were restricted by using a very strong firewall. And also the mail portals were blocked. But they used a special networking software for socializing themselves with the various colleagues who worked for Dell, dell being a global organization, and no matter from which country they work, they can still communicate with each other and share ideas and knowledge with their company mates and so the efficiency can be achieved as there is no chance of data leakage in any means, as the confidential information available in their systems cannot be sent to any unauthorized individual as the social networking sites and mail portals and the removable media were all blocked from using within the organization. Infact the same authorised De ll Technician cannot access to the confidential resources from outside the Dell organization being at home or in a cafes. So the confidentiality of the organizationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s crucial data is secured from unauthorized access. Literature Review : In recent months, the use of social networking has drastically increased and in the broader aspect has benefitted the organization and the employees in many many ways. Infact social networking in an organization is now being widely used for marketing purpose. One should define their audience, locate their potential customers, build a social relationship with them and promote their brand and website. (https://hubpages.com/hub/How-To-Use-Social-Networking-For-Business-Marketing-Profits). The key factor behind the success of social networking in the organization is to be yourself, be human, open up a little and show the customers as to who you are. Because if not taken care about the above factors, then the organizationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s profit will be at the stake. Social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace have become the party lines of this young century. They are inviting and intriguing and a powerful communication tool. Learning how to use them wisely for marketing can i ncrease your business profile. (https://www.allbusiness.com/marketing-advertising/public-relations/11674037-1.html) . There are several pros of using social networking sites like Paved the way for easier communication with colleagues and friends Virtual communities can be formed composing of people of common interests In sooner days Twitter as a social networking site has made huge advances and the number of active users are increasing at a very fast pace. And in no time, Twitter has become the second most popular social networking site after Facebook. And very soonly it will lead the way and head to number one in social networking sites. Twitter has proved to be a boon I n marketing of the organization, and also there are various other factors which are in favour of Twitter. Twitter can be used in an organization in several ways, of which some are listed as of under. Develop a more personal, engaged and sustained relationships with customers Grow your customer base Get the attention of people interested in your organization or your work Publicise your business Build your brand Keep track on what people think about your business, products industry Cold-contact and market with people without annoying them. Provide amazing customer service in a really easy way. Promote your new products. Pin point customer locations to within a 20 mile radius Position yourself as an expert in your field by sharing news and information relevant to your business and by One of the most important advantage of twitter is that, usually 1+1=2, but in the case of twitter 1+1= countless possibilities. As the message once sent and replied by somebody keeps on multiplying and is reflected to all the people following him/her. So it proves to be a best example in terms of sharing of knowledge as it keeps on spreading at a very good speed. And also twitter helps in making the possibility to make a difference. But it is like every coin has two sides, and so along with many advantages, twitter is packed with many disadvantages/mis-conducts as well, such as These social networking sites if not used properly can lead to Goofing Privacy Infringement Scammers use Social networking trick people into downloading malicious software (Malware) Hacking Impersonation Cindy King, an international sales specialist, saw a huge boost in business inquires by implementing a strategic Twitter plan. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Following the right people on Twitter was key. There are some people very gifted at building relationships on Twitter. As I followed these online community builders, I realized that some of them are also excellent direct response copywriters. They get their Twitter followers to take action,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? said King. (Cindy King, file:///G:/Salford%20During%20d%20course/ITASIO/Twitter/How%20to%20Use%20Twitter%20to%20Grow%20Your%20Business%20_%20Copyblogger.htm) Twitter is a communication platform that helps businesses stay connected to their customers. As a business, you can use it to quickly share information with people interested in your company, gather real-time market intelligence and feedback, and build relationships with customers, partners and other people who cares about your company. As an individual user, one can use twitter to tell a company about the experience one had with that company, as to whether it was great or disappointing experience with their business. (https://www.webspininternetmarketing.com/our-services/social-media/twitter/ ,23-03-2011) Case Description : Twitter as a social networking site has various uses and in several different fields. One can use it for keeping in touch with friends and colleagues or even for the marketing of the organization, and infact now-a-days twitter has even proved useful in the university for academic purposes. Lets discuss more about the potential use of twitter in a university. Lets take an example of the University of Texas at Dallas, where a professor named Monica Rankin has found an interactive and interesting way to use twitter in the classroom. She uses a weekly hashtag to organize comments, questions feedbacks posted by students on twitter during the class. There is an very good tool named TweetDeck from where the students can send the questions rather than posting them via SMS or by writing questions on the small piece of paper. Then what can be done is project a giant image of live tweets in front of the whole classroom for discussing and giving suggestions that the students can lately refer ag ain while studying. The result of this method is mixed but still it is clear that more students do participate in the classroom discussion as compared to the traditional way of teaching. Also the problem with the traditional way of teaching is that if the professors doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t engage the students properly then they might end up talking and addressing to walls. And as we all are aware that the 21st centuryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s literacy is all about digital media. Also the professors can use twitter to notify students about the submission deadlines and the extra lecture extensions. Also twitter is very helpful for the teachers as well. As the professors can develop a personal learning network that will help them to become a good teacher and keep themselves updated with the latest technology and knowledge about the academic material by following the other senior tutors world-wide. Also one more effective way of using twitter in a university is that the students can tweet the questions and the doubts, and either other students or the professor can reply to those tweets. And one more additional benefit of twitter in a university is that the physical presence o f the professor or the students is not that important, so can make education possible despite being present in different state or the country. The only thing necessary is the internet connection and an account. If these two conditions are satisfied, then the education can take place whenever, wherever on the go. As internet can be accessed even from the homes and the mobile devices as well. So this proves to be very useful for the progress in education system. The added advantage of twitter is that the professors can communicate with the parents of the students who use twitter for discussing the excursion details or the home-work tasks and also to intimate the parents about the progress of their child.
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